Message from @ANTI

Discord ID: 793883561010004009

2020-12-30 16:47:00 UTC  


2020-12-30 16:47:12 UTC  

I dare you to find me a single Chad looking Korean guy

2020-12-30 16:47:18 UTC  


2020-12-30 16:47:23 UTC  

r u gay nigga?

2020-12-30 16:47:29 UTC  

Women aren't better

2020-12-30 16:47:30 UTC  

we talking about girls

2020-12-30 16:47:48 UTC  

the koreans are the least superficial when westernized because of how much they hate their country’s superficiality

2020-12-30 16:47:56 UTC  

and usually have more structured faces

2020-12-30 16:47:59 UTC  

Kim's sister looks like a corpse

2020-12-30 16:48:16 UTC  

Koreans are the worst, their faces are shaped like shovels

2020-12-30 16:48:26 UTC  

thats all asians tbh

2020-12-30 16:48:34 UTC  

☝️ <:emoji_22:793822836404781066>

2020-12-30 16:48:59 UTC  

It's extremely simple

2020-12-30 16:49:10 UTC  


2020-12-30 16:49:20 UTC  

>jap’s #1

2020-12-30 16:49:24 UTC  

westoid weeb moment

2020-12-30 16:49:30 UTC  

Of course whole Asia is for racial trashbin

2020-12-30 16:49:36 UTC

2020-12-30 16:49:37 UTC  

if i had to say

2020-12-30 16:49:47 UTC  

which country is the best

2020-12-30 16:49:50 UTC  


2020-12-30 16:50:04 UTC  


2020-12-30 16:50:06 UTC  

I absolutely can't understand how the hell can anyone put Korean women in top place

2020-12-30 16:50:14 UTC  


2020-12-30 16:50:30 UTC  

Of course undeveloped brain of pajeet has no sense of what's pretty and what's ugly

2020-12-30 16:50:50 UTC  

Only true Hyperboreans such as Slavs can objectively decide on such delicate topics

2020-12-30 16:50:51 UTC  

fuck me so bad your going to heaven

2020-12-30 16:51:06 UTC  

- Sincerely, A Slav (Mongol-Uralic)

2020-12-30 16:51:09 UTC  

lol weeb

2020-12-30 16:51:17 UTC  

A Slav (based Hyperborean)

2020-12-30 16:51:20 UTC  


2020-12-30 16:51:24 UTC  

east asians are basically the same

2020-12-30 16:51:25 UTC  

hyperboreans are bulgarian

2020-12-30 16:51:26 UTC  


2020-12-30 16:51:33 UTC  

False propaganda

2020-12-30 16:51:34 UTC  

bvllgarian chads

2020-12-30 16:51:39 UTC  

why the fuck is kamikaze here

2020-12-30 16:51:43 UTC  

this nigga literally got groomed in banter

2020-12-30 16:51:46 UTC  

cuz i belong here

2020-12-30 16:51:52 UTC  

He is bantered

2020-12-30 16:51:54 UTC  

you’re a literal lolcow