Message from @ihatemyself
Discord ID: 803623762322391040
ok fuck
shes shitting on us
for not working
fuck me
Good ol cuneiform
Yep lol
I would flee a civil war if i didnt give a shit about it yeah
Like patriots versus leftists
Get fucked lol im out
sounds so white
Werent chaldeans aramean too at a time?
U can claim babylon
Kamikaze and syriabol are in this server
eshora de comer
@Semaj es hora de comere
@РАУЛЬ☭🇸🇾 desipher this code please
Are you kamikazes sister?
I'm his daddy
bro stop being horny go find a woman of your age
already have
Is that spanish or italian
its spanish your language
Chaldeans later integrated into the imperial aramiac identity after the fall of the neo Babylonian empire. So they’re basically part of the syriac fertile crescent. The only difference they have is only church @Semaj
Whats my age?
My dialect is a mix of spanish and italian
id say your most likely over 18 but your also tribalist so thats a -8
Also the neo Babylonian empire was later labeled as chaldea