Message from @Heathen
Discord ID: 793525352139718676
@Lou hi lou
does alternate have a new twitter yet
we need to find dat roach nigga
oh yeah
fuck does anyone have his @
i lost it when i was banned
i do not unfortunately
So it happened
How many bans and remakes until the server reaches nirvana?
Who reported the server
i think it was woland
We have an imposter among us
Your mom
Well momento mori I suppose
@Heathen lol
its only a matter of time with these things
it always is
So fuckin stupid
banter this bitch IMMEDIATELY
Also why was it nuked
don't know
someone prolly reported it
Because our server is cursed
@Holo Spice did they call your@mother
but hey this represents a re-birth of sorts
close to new year's eve
@ihatemyself my mom got the server nuked
sorry guys