Message from @MeteNojo
Discord ID: 793888655008989205
In an indian context, they are the most caucasian except when compared to kashmiris(who are pakis tbh)
i used to be whiter when i was a shut in
@A stranger i didnt larp as br*hmin
the only thing i do in that server is bait
Get out of white country
- Sincerely, an Afro-Serb
Full Scythian Serb
White as snow on the mountains of Himalaya
Where my Hyperborean race comes from
also what happened to the server
What do you think
it got mogged by discord for child porn
based czechoid
even though prague is the modern day sodom
Is it me or are roles not available yet?
where the fuck is mario judah
hopefully dead
wtf man
why he makes great music
mario judah died 10 years ago
@AquaRegia it's time for your daily diaper change synapse!!!!
can you guys hear me ?
fuck off