Message from @The_5cythe
Discord ID: 793905606539870238
even though prague is the modern day sodom
Is it me or are roles not available yet?
they arent
where the fuck is mario judah
hopefully dead
wtf man
why he makes great music
mario judah died 10 years ago
@AquaRegia it's time for your daily diaper change synapse!!!!
can you guys hear me ?
fuck off
yea i support korean strasserism
and white juche
juche is so retarded holy shit
Based Kim Jong II
Juche is a cope though
bro look at what Kim Jong Il said
it must be true!!!
I mean it is to an extent
Only for Liberation nationalism
aka libtard nationalism
Reminder that Juche is more based on Japanese fascism than it is on any ML ideology
all woman have bipolar
especially the ones on discord