Message from @The_5cythe
Discord ID: 793963951079555072
and yes
yeah he is wignat
like 5 years
he was in WWP
he looks like old man now
and there looks like teen
he was killed 5 years ago
libtard maupin before optics
and replaced by a clone
by Xi
Xi thought is the most advanced form of marxism
i mean
yes but not for the reasons they claim
the answer is no
Bro China is heightening the contradictions of capitalism
thats Limonovism
I wouldn't say "advanced" just the most current formation of bioleninism
world revolution coming soon
taken too soon
Maupin is White Juche
I remember a video I liked by a marxist called Bad Empanada. He basically was calling out all the Marxists who were nothing but apologists for American enemies( NK, Iran, Venezuela)
I don't know who are weirder, theorists marxists, or the subvert at any cost marxists
wdym by Theorist marxist?
seriously tho
he is wignat
They are a weird group, who aren't leninist marxists, but soley read marx religiously and try to interpret his letters into modern everyday life.
what vid
also why is the NLV using a IWW poster as a pfp
thats cringe