Message from @MeteNojo
Discord ID: 794366613649358860
im not brown lol
whats this vid about
Native American obviously
im not gonna read whatever you are writing
70% of the population spic/negro/mutt, 50% of zoomers homosexuals, culture that only exhales pure cringe, history is only holocaust and civil rights, cities are more violent than middles east and africa
America is ultra based
what country are you from
tell me
IP grabber
Tfw bantu area
im thinking america is based
country created by genocide of natives, most extreme racial laws for the longest time, first country to have world hegemony, first to moon, nuked japs
Yeah that country doesn't exist anymore
yes it does
what country are you from
we have...
no borders...
it's all made up!
Take a wild guess
im personally from israel
women should not be able to speak more than 3 sentences in public a day
problem solved
blacks still dont have economic capital, middle east is still bombed, still prop up dictators in shitholes which keeps both them and europe on a good spot in regards to that
This is some major cope
im not american
blacks literally own the usa