Message from @alternate
Discord ID: 796973753749078016
good point
and then they repented from their ways
what about meth
and became good mormons
meth is aryan
It is based
Tweaking for hitler 😈
meth is what doctors give you
meth is what hitler
it is !!!
gave to his men
hitler's doctor was under the influence of the devil !!!
Maybe a broken clock is right twice a day
other than what hitler's doctor did, hitler had a full on mormon straightedge lifestyle
Plato ate cicadas because of the fungus that grew under the torax during their hibernation, which had psychedelic effects
The Frankish kings adorned themselves with golden Cicadas
(it's real)
he was tweaking at the olympics
no one denies this
only ((((((fags)))))))) do
I know he did meth, but I am saying he did it because he was under the influence of evil
it was his largest fault...
hitler and evil
is that an oxymoron or sumn
Hitler could not be under evil influence
for the most part, he wasn't
Hitlers only fault was being a manlet
aren't they bees ?
they are like oversized moths
Pretty sure there were bees and cicadas
Cicadas mean rebirth
but prettier than moths
Because they bury themselves on the ground for 17 years then fly up again
Also the fungus