Message from @Martín
Discord ID: 797988971731877948
Mao trolled GMD comprador traitors
but Deng is still pretty based
Dengism and Maoism are not mutually exclusive lol
In-fact Dengism is just Maosim
No it is not
It is
Deng called himself a successor to Maoist thought
I don't care
3rd world politics
Not the same thing
Ok so
by Maoism
you mean gang of four maoism
which is revisionist
I mean Maoism as in the average Maoist who simps for the third world and is a marxist
old school Maoism is in line with Dengist political principles
ya it is
first-worldies are cringe
Also the third world is the only world there is
It's how it is
3rd world = Non white world
what is your defintion of dengism @slavecaste
Based State Capitalist Chinese Ideology
that's not what dengism is at all
It is lol
It's not
Dengism is merely NEP fit into socio-economic necessities of the Chinese peoples
also state capitalism is a meaningless term