Message from @HistoricalGamer
Discord ID: 800134555108376606
transrights and BLM are far more relevant than class politics atm
but sure you can go on twitter and sit in echo chambers and believe the US is dominated by commies or something
yes exactly my point retard
this isn't a political compass meme buddy
these arent "socialist" issues because socialism doesnt exist in the US
or the west
@Rapid Steve whats evident is that trancoms are clearly vocal and have social capital in buerocratic apparatus
you didn't answer my question steven
oh I forgot, its not real ''socialism''
no. I see trans people and other minority groups being put under a spot light by capitalists.
idk where the communist part fits into that
Words r defined by a realm of absolute truths definetly
Ya ya I get it, its not your specific trad Stalinist communism
considering the absolute mainstream narrative among the "left and right" in the US is that communism killed 100mil and is anti freedom
dont care, I am just here to listen to some debates
> Your arguments falls to bits on the basis that the ideology doesnt even exist in the west outside of autists online
communism is anti freedom
again your argument that "ur ideology is dominated by trannies" is completely autistic given that the ideology doesnt even exist in any meaningful way
no i am on discord
Communism isn’t what marx said 150 years ago it’s what is interpreted as it
pretty sure I said this dumbfuck
but i will read it later today
are you dutch or not,,, @Rapid Steve
yeah and I dont care. As far as communism/socialism is concerned I look to places where its actually relevant. Places like Greece and other such countries because they all have meaningful relevant communist movements
evidently these movements also tend to be pretty anti lgbt and favorable of people like stalin
so you can bitch and cry about how some self identified communist is a degen in the US I really dont care because its completely irrelevant
Politically it isnt
it is tho
youre fucking autistic bro
that degen has monopoly on what leftism is
Irrelevant? More relevant than the entirety of Greece
your stalinist fantasies are actually irrelevant
lib left vs lib right
again its the same shit
who cares
idc nigga
US is a corpse
BLM was in news for months Greece not since debt crisis