Message from @Thirio
Discord ID: 803564532710113320
How would proletarian identity preserve it self without a bourgeoise to create a negation
>anti stalinist poet pfp
Communism abolished the proletariat
Anyways why should British ppl not enslave the Irish when they get resources out of it
Yeah then identity creates around other negation
Ppl just become ppl not economic classes tied into identity
Ppl will still struggle for resources and will associate with the smallest group to get most power
So then like in the SU ppl will just go back to their national identity
U ppl think nationalism is something that’s always been a thing
Still no answer to whats wrong in hurting minorities
Class societies and nationalism has only been a tiny part of human history, the majority is just classless nomadic society
Ever heard of tribalism?
People don’t deserve to get hurt if they haven’t done bad
Tribe isn’t a nation
I really hate Engels for this one ppl still struggled between each other for resources in the form of tribes
What if it benefits me and my ingroup?
Justfy your new role
In an hour I will have time
Maybe even sooner
So I am watching Naruto
Yeah same
When I was a kid I believed one character is a girl
But now I found out it's a trap
Dunno some gook name
Man ages ago I watched naruto
>SS rune
Sue them for copyright Thrio
Le basado japs at it again
The SS rune and traps are an unholy combination that happens to often
Blame the Japs