Message from @AquaRegia
Discord ID: 805575131514142731
now they did wanted to argue is nationality ''real''
why are all leftists so fucking theocratic its hilarious
help me their asking me which server i come from in chapos traphouse
should i lead them to this place
@Erlik ᚯ your the only man i trust in this matter
i will not name it
as they prob will report it
to discord
nationality is only real if you aren't white if you're white your nations are colonialist projects to justify racism and ethnocentrism
aight guys im leading them to here
if we get swarms of anarchists its not my fault
wdym no
they have ZERO integrity
debate tactics are just repeating "material conditions" over and over
how isnt facism reactionary
cuz this is how it is retard
fascism requires a turnover of liberal society and worldview
Kosovo is Serbia
It is true yes
to a communist, fascism is reactionary bc its followers do not believe that history will inevitably progress towards the stateless society meme
all non-communist ideologies are reactionary to socialists
in terms of liberalism, i.e. modern western society, it is revolutionary
I am fascist
you're a fascist? name the precise number of sticks used in the fasces and their exact length
Idk that sry 😔
I guess not true fascist 😔
Could one call Lukashenko a reactionary? Or is that a bit of a stretch
He has modeled his state to mimic the soviet past in many ways
the national symbols, cultural legacy, the history taught in schools