Message from @MeteNojo
Discord ID: 806298651998683167
why are boomer memes so funny
@Punished Nazberg Cardinal Sarah as next Pope based or redpilled
The roman empire was completely collapsed by mongrelization and germans took up the torch and rebuilt it
they didn't rebuild
The HRE was literally the ONLY legitimate heir to the roman empire until the third reich
the Ottomans were obviously
The Sultans were white
What exactly makes the ottoman sultanate roman
it should have been mussolini's but unfortunately it didnt work out
Because they were big?
So rome wasn't rome when they were just a city
he is joking ...
This goes for any other people who say shit like britain, america or the byzantine empire are in anyway similar to Rome
read up and get redpilled
What a fake and gay concept
The succession of the roman empire was spiritual and could only have been picked up by a nordic people
Not these homossexual turkoids lmfao
the soul peasant strikes down in fear as he sees one achieving soul emperor status
ok but the Sultans were white
Couldn't care less
"He was white"
''bro look his chitin it's white, clearly roman''
fellow ginger
u ginger @1brieflife?
Roman Emperor