Message from @Semaj
Discord ID: 806703092975927307
My relatives (7'5 nordic atlanteans) 🗿
Absolute cope map
A literal giant
The romans called etruscans 'easterners' because they were homossexual, woman worshipping pederasts just like the brown monkeys in the eastern Mediterranean, whom the romans deeply despised
So much for historical cultural sphere
Oh freyja please send rain
The romans unified the whole med
What did he mean by this
Yeah they obliterated and enslaved all the mediterranean
Yeah sure bro
"east roman empire"
What the fuck is even that
A homosexual bathhouse
grammar +100
>north african and middle eastern emperors
>no celtic or germanic emperors
"Yeah brvh rome was nordic and hated meds"
I don't think anyone denies that the roman state became an absolute mongrelized sewer after the five emperors
Though i'm not sure what you mean by the second assertion considering the whole patrician caste was nordic, which would include Augustus
trojans were israelites aka teutonick .. this is obvious
The patricians were trojan
Israelite yea
But thats too much for these normies
He even predicted what you were about to say
so blond and blue eyed
Teutons were shitting in the forest tho
teutonick racial category
not the tribe
look at the anglo saxons for a more accurate representation of the ruling caste of rome