Message from @ibraheem
Discord ID: 806783233206517760
It represents duality of snakes
Always have been
But guess which two languages have same word for snakes
Sanskrit and Slavic languages
No Iraqis are trash that came later
Iraqis are genetically close to the autism that came before arabism
Ok you are semitized Slavs
Literally indo-european swastika
That's Slavic lmaooo
Thats been used by ugartics,sumerians and other fertile crescent niggas niggaaaaaaaa
False lolololol
Get some pussy
How about you stop shitting yourself
i worship the proto indo european pantheon
lets see if i have time
I dm'ed it to Giuli and he hasn't responded since he is in state of shock!
@Blonde Bestie ok so
Choose one
Loyalty to Deutschland and National Socialist movement