Message from @ibraheem
Discord ID: 806780764158951445
@grete do you subscribe to the theory Rurik who took power among North Slavs was also Slavic
Or do you believe Germanic revisions that he was somehow Scandinavian
Russia became slavic when Rurik took over
Serbs(Slavs) -> Goths -> Swedes -> Rurik -> Russia
No if was always Slavic
They were Tungusic
Slavs came from Kola peninsula
Slavs come from Serbs
Very simple
But Serbs came from Kola peninsula
We can see even ancient pyramids there
Ok I wanna set up a debate with you
Damn that nigga fast
I want to debate that ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia were Slavic @ibraheem
They aren't?
They are
All know this
Thats ibraheem not hakim
He is a buddy of mine
Look at this
It represents duality of snakes
Always have been
But guess which two languages have same word for snakes
Sanskrit and Slavic languages
No Iraqis are trash that came later
Iraqis are genetically close to the autism that came before arabism
Ok you are semitized Slavs