Message from @Erlik ᚯ
Discord ID: 806858538990305320
Get some pussy
How about you stop shitting yourself
i worship the proto indo european pantheon
lets see if i have time
I dm'ed it to Giuli and he hasn't responded since he is in state of shock!
@Blonde Bestie ok so
Choose one
Loyalty to Deutschland and National Socialist movement
local gamer
Is that you?
Whoever that is, he looks very Slavic
It is me
considering you cope slavic = aryan I see that as somewhat of a compliment
Well you don't come from east Germany ?
most western province
Hmm probably some Slavic raider band went that far west
Cope and seethe
I am literally descendent of Vikings
You know good part of Vargians were Slav pirates
sure bud
Like Rurik was actually Slav
No that's actually historical record
source: slavic affairs yt channel
Source: Dezionification by Valery Yemelyanov
You gonna deny a book literally called Dezionification????
Woland out here hotep posting but for Slavs