Message from @IdeoLogs
Discord ID: 810764536696143892
have they got to the part where marx said feudalism was based and kept the bourgeoisie in check<:troll:795676641450917888>
Its when you have a long dick
Huey long
it's when you play kaiserreich and base your thought off of the game
Yeah thats called having AIDS
Brain aids
long was a good politician to be sure but why the fuck are american teenagers larping as being a "longist" after playing a map game
and they said they became a communist because of gravel institute vids without reading anything LOL
the first words you said were sieg hail
Are you fucking kidding me mate
read the rules when you join a server
Unban me so i can read them
I wanna read the rules
" Minor crimes can result in a muting. If a Ideoling or Ideolarper commits two minor crimes,
they can be temporary banned for up to one month.
1. Cruelty: use of personal insults unrelated to a users beliefs
2. Unrelated discussion: Non ideological discussion in the main chats
3. Spamming: posting excessive memes outside of #memes
Major crimes can result in a permanent banning.
1. Doxxing: revealing personal information about a user against their will
2. Lawbreaking: breaking actual law or discord TOS
3. Promoting genocide or political violence"
Yeah this fucking cracker banned me for being brown
Whats wrong with arabs huh?
Jihad apon him
Afraid im gonna rape your sister?
Not fucking cool
I will jihad on his mother
Such despicable racism😔😔😔
Like sis
Its 2021
yeah, because the libertarian objectivist is very obviously in support of offensive wars
Are you in support of getting laid?
Who wants to debate me
Libertarian objectivist. Nigga did you set your objective to get pussy?