Message from @Jacques de Chan
Discord ID: 811977455283077131
the bloke
youre debating
I posted his YT channel
hes got a phd nigga watch out!!
but is he a judeobolshevik?
ill join in a tick
what @1brieflife
how did i not notice there were any men in this picture until nwo
Everyone is below average except the girl on the right
I hate judeobolsheviks so fucking much
you look like a fag
who are you quoting
you look like a fag
who are you quoting
Wtf is this
Like why paint color white
the blue haired human is the average pagan male
@oistoy saw that
i did
Siege time
what if i just want to join a community organization without terrorism involved
you cant
there was never a peaceful solution
Is that a TNO Superevent??