Message from @Erlik ᚯ
Discord ID: 812341604265492500
We gave them fair warning gook
Nagasaki? Lookin kinda Naga-sussy
I cant
I cant take it
Just joined the forum
Synapse sent it
Just scroll up a lil
These idiots get bitched on in debates so hard they even set rules for text discussion
Why is it so easy to gauge the avg intelligence and mental well being of users just by reading the rules of their server
it feels like if u say something slightly mean they might just have a mental breakdown
Stg every lefty server is like this
debate in a hour?
Very sad
Why do communists do this
Appeal to imagination isn't really convincing when you're supposed to be using historical materialism to prove me wrong
book man said communism will happen
I felt bored yesterday so I dropped an entire argument against "the end of history" in a commie debate subreddit
The only person to engage with it is a lofty commie retard
I wrote out this whole essay, Jacques posts his Ls online I guess
thanks king
@Perspective Philosophy you are a pedophile.
i have proof
mfw perpective philosphy is sus
this guy genuinely looks like a pedophile
hi twottle