Message from @kick me yikes me
Discord ID: 812632064477233202
i'm a a proud, germanic austrian from carinthia.
LMAO another german
upper slovene, really
fuck off, riso
ok explain how your nation is superior when you fail witouth a war to semites?
give a decent argument
dude there is no argument
they are insulting you and your country
did I ask you atheist
take it on your chin
like a good boy
and stop asking for arguments
i wish polish ns wouldn't have stockholm syndrome and instead of rationalizing what the germans did to them they'd just advocate for a polish dirlewanger brigade
you cringe molyneux faggot
have you ever seen pussy so you belive it exists?
i think no
what are you talking about?
your nation is 8% semite
natsocs crack me up
will be 20% by 2050
because they're literally stanning losers
witouth a single shot
go find an ideology for winners instead
and your nation only exists because your neighbouring states are allowing it
like lib eralism
like what? monarchism?
im a liberal atheist myself personally...
what is that argument even
don't tell me we have an austrofascist in here
monarchism isn't an ideology but ok
do you honestly belive that if every neighbour attacked austria you would win?
it's an idea that people believe in
what else do u need for something to be an ideology
do you even have brain austriak
we don't have neighbours who attack us for sports
yahweh to tell you to believe in it?
typical religitards
monarchism is merely the most stable government framework in existance