Message from @oistoy
Discord ID: 813479931581169664
im literally in vc
Like the whole germany being sooo unable to push its interests on hungary argument is built on 2015 PJW 1000 million muslim migrants meme
still you cope
You can't make a difference from it has to be in some form of beneficial to Germany and being ruled over by Germany
the difference between French and Anglosphere liberalism is that the former actually enforces its values on the multiracial hordes it brings in
I suppose having Muslims be more like latte-drinking libshits is better than having them be jihadis, but ultimately it's better not to have them, or any latte-drinking libshits, at all
part of that is certainly because the french are actually still proud of their history and not apologetic about it like most anglos
yeah the French are a step in the right direction
unfortunately they're still suppressing Generation Identity or whatever the org is called
they also still have their african colonial empire so
What % of our pop is apologetic
Probably the ones governing the institutions of education and media that would declare the things Anglo countries did to be racist and evil and so on
and yet UK has statues torn down and buildings renamed while France protects them
where does thule come in
When i cum in
1 statue of a nobody torn down (what buildings renamed?) and France is still a nigger shithole that gets bombed every month
ok paki
and macron suggested provisions to changing 500 statues, streets and so on to african names
vision of french as less gay than anyone else is a cope fiction for people who are usually neither anglo nor french
How am i a paki
your tags are literally muslim arab
Ok but how is that paki
that's what's in uk
You could’ve said sand nigger or somethin
As opposed to you having no ethnic roles
I figure you towelheads hate another more than anything else
Yeah thats referred to Pakistanis
Like @Punished Nazberg
Yeah but your mom loves me
racist chipmunk