Message from @Erlik ᚯ
Discord ID: 813748261633785886
they do shit
Ok bro tone down I don't want to see you arguing against Germans 24/7
they lost hope in their own genes and import negros
Say what you want about Orban but him and his cabinet did manage to raise fertility levels
drang nach westen must follow
drang nach westen as toilet cleaner lmao
that's also true
chivalric toilet cleaners
I was in germany only to take a flight, none of my family ever worked there of even was a tourist.
you simply miss the generations
woa you destroyed me there buddy
yeah I dont even need to since you rape yourself
Bulgaria has the worst demographics in Europe (maybe only after Moldova). Mainly due to emigration. Similar throughout the balkans
you don't understand data you post
I countered them and there is still no response
@Existance-is-a-lie I think Croatia could be worse
i watched one serbian movie before and that was enough thank you very much
so to end this hillarious german cope, actually good profamily policy is what happens in Russia
they raised their fertility from like 1.2 to 1.3 to 1.7-1.8
I like the funny serb movie about the war and UN
thanks to extensive social welfare
Hopefully Russians recover
russia, the coutnry where a million people a year leave is based too
see? its not only pooland
germania once more destroyed
you see this german again provoking me to enter discussion he already lost
typical inferior behave
this guy is like 12 can't explain this retardation any other way. even polacks are smarter than this
It's Bulgaria. Croatia and Romania are still up there but we are leading the statistics
After 2 world wars and they still act like this
you don't even understand data you post
why are you even clinging onto russian policy if you're not russian lol
you think TFR reflects how much birth averange german women gives
Hopefully you all die out @Existance-is-a-lie
are you fucking disabled
why did you enter international server when you are only interested in your shithole