Message from @ðŸŽðŸŽµ
Discord ID: 408459513612599306
110 worth it
LOTGH is the 'nick' show though prob out of all of them
Its too long!
Cowboy Bebop first
Y'all are wimps
madoka is 12 eps and 1 (new) movie, I watched it all in 2 days
Also, @ðŸŽðŸŽµ I could kick your ass, and I doubt you even lift. Dont become a LARPing no fun faggot
No fun outsides of bantz
and athletics
Oh damn does crunchy roll have cowboy bebop? I've never seen it but I love the fuck out of the music and aesthetics.
and ART
Madoka is not a chad show
you can't just watch chad shows all the time
and going on bleaching missonary trips
that we should start
You dont have a family, you dont make art, you dont make music, and you dont ATHLETICS
I am a bit of a muscian
and we all have a family
and I do the gym
I was a travel soccer lad
I actually know music theory and shit and can play multiple intruments
Ehh, I concur with that whole list, except maybe bantz. *Bantz have been a little "post ironic" lately fellas.*
I play piano ✋
gotta' dial it back some.
bantz in the discord keeps me going
I own 3 synthesizers
I wish more people would post in <#402387580403974145>
for actual like policy talk
and etc
I'm not too smart for that stuff
Then you and Kevin would show up and derail the whole thing with memes about your violent disposition towards women. @ðŸŽðŸŽµ
I dont shitpost in realpolitik
Bread, you talk a big game... but in the end... youre a bad poster
KT is a better poster