Message from @Joe the boomer
Discord ID: 434160246378725397
do you have jsac
seated #1
goes against seated #2
this is how a bracket is made
fucking ban shoepill
take away his sheild
im trying to teach you retards how to make a bracket
that not even how it works either
shoepill do not delt
this is ur warning
even if exclude me broseph goes against bob
#1 goes against last placec
@Joe the boomer dont delete me them
how does the tournament work
shoe do not argue with me premium only get u so far
hey fyi guys dont shit up this chat
dont delete my SFW posts
are we allowed to vote for ourselves
i wont delete
this is not a negeotion
then y the fuki r u here
teaching the kiddies how to make a bracket
did you see my dm
@j0hn so how is this working
dont post the poll here
do NOT
do not send it to shoe
if you do
you are a traitor
big words for a little man, so afraid
we should just use the polls already made and then take the top 8 for the next round