Message from @username

Discord ID: 418441286865911811

2018-02-27 13:11:24 UTC  


2018-02-27 13:11:37 UTC  

im working on the roles so yea

2018-02-27 13:21:46 UTC  

RIP Server. also if you run the info bot on me for vetting, the seen on servers are all long gone servers or were setup as troll traps using those Unicode char exploits that discord has lots of, either from a long time ago when i did raids or 'Conspicuously named', like the Anprim general server, just a natsoc server with an autism banner.

2018-02-27 13:22:54 UTC  

unicode char exploits? my inner troll want such files now

2018-02-27 13:23:32 UTC  

Just the wavey lines bullshit, or the fucking Apple looking thing from Pajeet text that crashes mobile and apple users.

2018-02-27 13:24:11 UTC  

just imagne it... be in 500+ servers

2018-02-27 13:24:28 UTC  

I can PM it to you if you want, just make sure you're not on an (((apple computer))) or a (((mobile phone)))

2018-02-27 13:25:07 UTC  


2018-02-27 13:39:34 UTC  

2018-02-27 13:49:01 UTC  

2018-02-27 15:32:06 UTC  


2018-02-27 15:36:23 UTC  


2018-02-27 18:28:32 UTC  

2018-02-27 19:58:24 UTC  

Holy shit

2018-02-27 19:58:25 UTC  


2018-02-27 19:58:28 UTC  

The madman did it

2018-02-27 19:58:30 UTC  

u wot m8

2018-02-28 00:15:32 UTC  

2018-02-28 12:59:15 UTC  

2018-02-28 12:59:15 UTC  

๐Ÿ†™ | **Adler leveled up!**

2018-02-28 16:16:17 UTC  

2018-02-28 16:23:08 UTC  

2018-02-28 19:50:28 UTC  


2018-02-28 19:51:17 UTC  


2018-02-28 19:51:19 UTC  


2018-02-28 19:51:22 UTC  


2018-02-28 19:51:32 UTC  


2018-02-28 19:57:14 UTC  


2018-02-28 19:57:14 UTC  

@Hildegard, answer these questions in <#417792419409690625>
What is your age, are you over 18?
What is your ancestral background and where do you currently reside?
What are your religious beliefs?
Where did you get the invite to this server?
Why are you here?
What is your preferred political ideology?
Define said ideology.
What got you into your current ideology?
What literature have you read to form your ideology?
Do you have any skills?

2018-02-28 20:33:45 UTC  


2018-02-28 20:33:45 UTC  

@Deleted User, answer these questions in <#417792419409690625>

1. What is your age, are you over 18?
2. What is your ancestral background and where do you currently reside?
3. What are your religious beliefs?
4. Where did you get the invite to this server?
5. Why are you here?
6. What is your preferred political ideology?
7. Define said ideology.
8. What got you into your current ideology?
9. What literature have you read to form your ideology?
10. Do you have any skills?

2018-02-28 20:43:25 UTC  

2018-02-28 20:43:29 UTC  

1. Political Ideology?
National Socialism/ Fascism (eh not quite ideology but you know what i mean)
2. Age?
3. Country?
4. What got you into your current ideology?
Quite a long story, i debated against a fascist and lost. Afterwards i just started researching and breaking through walls of propaganda one after another
5. What books have you read that helped you shape your worldview?
Multiple Hitler biographies, mein kampf, Some evola and plato, The Prince by machiavelli, Lots of ironmarch articles and the squires trial (kinda a beginner level i guess). And some of the books that were obviously under heavy censorship and jew moderation i noticed the lies and took it all with a grain of salt.
6. Define Fascism
A worldview in which the fascist believes in the one truth/god/force above him that created natural and universal laws. these laws are to be implemented and adhered to. it is more of a worldview that touches every aspect of ones life, from politics to the way of thinking.
7. Thoughts on Jews, Alt-Right, America, Fags, and Trump?
Jews - the enemy, currently unfortunately on the winning side (1984 style)
Alt Rigt - Trying, but end up looking like cucks, they are too agreeable imo
Fags - do i need to explain what kind of deviance this is...?
Trump - not sure but researching. some say hes a kike some say he is "muh god emperor reeee [insert autistic meme here]"
8. Who are your heroes?
Hitler, i also read quite a lot about him due to my admiration. Non ideologically - Tesla.
9. Religion?
Traditional Orthodox but Agnostic
10. Race?
11. Write a small bio of yourself, nothing incriminating, just enough so we know if you're a sperg or not.
What best describes me would probably be "logic over emotion". I am quite fond of debating. One of my weaknesses is the tendency to fill myself with loads of useless information.
12. Where did you get the invite to this server?
User called Silver

2018-02-28 20:53:03 UTC  

2018-02-28 22:14:08 UTC  

2018-02-28 22:14:36 UTC  


2018-02-28 22:14:47 UTC  

shabbot shalom goyim, lemme in or I'll shouttabouttanuthuh shoah

2018-02-28 22:14:53 UTC  


2018-02-28 22:14:54 UTC  

@Hildegard, answer these questions in <#417792419409690625>

1. What is your age, are you over 18?
2. What is your ancestral background and where do you currently reside?
3. What are your religious beliefs?
4. Where did you get the invite to this server?
5. Why are you here?
6. What is your preferred political ideology?
7. Define said ideology.
8. What got you into your current ideology?
9. What literature have you read to form your ideology?
10. Do you have any skills?

2018-02-28 22:20:25 UTC  

17, but part of VA no an exception - I hope that if you have age requirements you can make one for me

nearly 100% prussian by blood, by birth I'm from NYC, I currently reside in north carolina.

Agnostic, but I'm a lil soft towards norse paganism for obv reasons

Thundercunt sent it

I want to interact with more fascists, y'all got banned by discord so you're obviously doing something right.

German national socialism, I do want to mix in some more individual libery type things as seen in amnatsoc.

National Socialism is a political manifestation of fascism which seeks to eliminate jewry from a country, remove degeneracy, create a relationship between the government and the people where the people attempt to do all they can for their country and in return the government does all it can for the citizens, without totally removing individualism, and create an ethnically homogeneous nation with core principals being hard work, traditionalism, etc. Fascism is simply the following of the Universal Truth and the adherence to the Universal Order, it's a worldview however, not an ideology.

Niggers. Plain and simple, I live in a shitty part of town and race realism kinda jump started shit for me, and as I delved further and further this way, I started going into shit such as the JQ, why freedom is a joke, why democracy can't work, etc.

Mein kampf, white power, this time the world, a squire's trial, the next leap, and a couple others I just can't name

Yeah, I can edit videos, I can do graphic design, I am familiar with military science to a degree (ragbat, my name, comes from a thing I did for Vanguard America where we were going to form a riot control wing), I have a lot of connections for suppliers of riot gear, I'm *INCREDIBLY* action oriented, I think I'm pretty smart, and I'm a damn hard worker.

2018-02-28 22:24:44 UTC