Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 418639310036795415

2018-02-28 23:39:32 UTC  

I had the same name. I didn’t talk a whole lot

2018-02-28 23:40:14 UTC  

Would you mind answering these ?vetting

2018-02-28 23:40:17 UTC  


2018-02-28 23:40:18 UTC  

@Hildegard, answer these questions in <#417792419409690625>

1. What is your age, are you over 18?
2. What is your ancestral background and where do you currently reside?
3. What are your religious beliefs?
4. Where did you get the invite to this server?
5. Why are you here?
6. What is your preferred political ideology?
7. Define said ideology.
8. What got you into your current ideology?
9. What literature have you read to form your ideology?
10. Do you have any skills?

2018-02-28 23:40:22 UTC  


2018-02-28 23:43:49 UTC  

I lost the questions. Sorry I just got home from work need to do a couple things and then I can answer them

2018-02-28 23:44:17 UTC  


2018-02-28 23:47:50 UTC  

2018-03-01 00:45:40 UTC  

2018-03-01 01:00:18 UTC  

Ok. I only read the first few questions earlier so I hope I give enough info. My ancestory is german. I live in Missouri. My political ideology is a cross between natsoc and fascism. I believe the government should do what is in best interest of its citizens. I believe that nationality is important as well as upholding morals and values of the white race. I hate globalism, communism and popular culture.

2018-03-01 01:00:55 UTC  


2018-03-01 01:00:55 UTC  

@Deleted User, answer these questions in <#417792419409690625>

1. What is your age, are you over 18?
2. What is your ancestral background and where do you currently reside?
3. What are your religious beliefs?
4. Where did you get the invite to this server?
5. Why are you here?
6. What is your preferred political ideology?
7. Define said ideology.
8. What got you into your current ideology?
9. What literature have you read to form your ideology?
10. Do you have any skills?

2018-03-01 01:01:58 UTC  


2018-03-01 01:07:16 UTC  

1)I am 36 2) Germanic 3) Christian 9) reading Mein kempf slowly, I’ve read the fascist doctrine along with a handful of pamphlets in pdf form of fascism, also currently reading culture of critique. 10) nothin special. I’m almost done with a useless degree in psychology. I know gay. I am a decent writer when I apply myself.

2018-03-01 04:56:39 UTC  


2018-03-01 04:56:39 UTC  

@AD 1453, answer these questions in <#417792419409690625>

1. What is your age, are you over 18?
2. What is your ancestral background and where do you currently reside?
3. What are your religious beliefs?
4. Where did you get the invite to this server?
5. Why are you here?
6. What is your preferred political ideology?
7. Define said ideology.
8. What got you into your current ideology?
9. What literature have you read to form your ideology?
10. Do you have any skills?

2018-03-01 05:18:53 UTC  

2018-03-01 05:20:16 UTC  

the gates!

2018-03-01 05:20:21 UTC  

sounds logical

2018-03-01 05:20:34 UTC  

so brothers I'm just the breton guy

2018-03-01 05:23:09 UTC  


2018-03-01 05:23:16 UTC  

Where have you been

2018-03-01 05:23:27 UTC  

I was with a girl

2018-03-01 05:23:43 UTC  

pretty face actually and nice sex

2018-03-01 06:53:01 UTC  

2018-03-01 06:53:11 UTC  


2018-03-01 07:35:16 UTC  

1. What is your age, are you over 18?

2. What is your ancestral background and where do you currently reside?
75% white (Iberian), 25% Yaqui; Mexico

3. What are your religious beliefs?
Eastern Orthodox Catholic

4. Where did you get the invite to this server?
Was a member of the old one, Found the link in redpilling archive

5. Why are you here?
To learn any information that would help me further develop Mexican National Minarchism.

6. What is your preferred political ideology?
A type of fascism I have been working on, Mexican National Minarchism.

7. Define said ideology.
It's a transitional system, meant to be applied to a mostly disgenic nation, improve it's gene pool, phase out into national socialism and create an organic society.

8. What got you into your current ideology?
My upbringing and many things over the last five years, going trough law-school, getting into secret history and conspiracy theories, reading ted kacynski, reading Mussolini, witnessing political turmoil, unrest and violence in my country, brexit the reactions of every big politician after it, the rise and radicalization of feminism and postmodern Marxism, pizzagate and the 2016 US presidential election, everything since.
I have also communicated with a lot of people in the marginal politics communities, mostly fascists from Ironmarch, they recommended a lot of materials to me too .

9. What literature have you read to form your ideology?
Mussolini, Mosley, Kaczynski, Iron march materials.

10. Do you have any skills?
Spanish-English translation, legal knowledge.

2018-03-01 07:37:00 UTC

2018-03-01 07:54:33 UTC  

age: who cares
ancestry: german/irish/scottish, a city in colorado
religion: none
how i got here: was a member of the old one, found link in redpilling archive
5. to be redpilled
6. whatever'll kill off the jews and blacks
7: death to jews and blacks
8: i took a redpill and realised niggers were nothing but lowlife scum and jews control everything
9: literature
10: probably not

2018-03-01 08:04:19 UTC  

2018-03-01 09:29:47 UTC  

@Deleted User hello kristoffer

2018-03-01 09:32:17 UTC  

2018-03-01 10:46:29 UTC  

2018-03-01 10:47:58 UTC  


2018-03-01 10:48:19 UTC  

its joseph goebbels

2018-03-01 11:35:51 UTC  

2018-03-01 13:22:40 UTC  

2018-03-01 13:23:16 UTC  


2018-03-01 13:26:19 UTC  


2018-03-01 13:26:19 UTC  

@Deleted User, answer these questions in <#417792419409690625>

1. What is your age, are you over 18?
2. What is your ancestral background and where do you currently reside?
3. What are your religious beliefs?
4. Where did you get the invite to this server?
5. Why are you here?
6. What is your preferred political ideology?
7. Define said ideology.
8. What got you into your current ideology?
9. What literature have you read to form your ideology?
10. Do you have any skills?

2018-03-01 13:33:16 UTC  

Uh been like here for 10 months, do i need vetting?:D