Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 420185672780087297

2018-03-05 10:29:19 UTC  

@Deleted User, answer these questions in <#417792419409690625>

1. What is your age, are you over 18?
2. What is your ancestral background and where do you currently reside?
3. What are your religious beliefs?
4. Where did you get the invite to this server?
5. Why are you here?
6. What is your preferred political ideology?
7. Define said ideology.
8. What got you into your current ideology?
9. What literature have you read to form your ideology?
10. Do you have any skills?

2018-03-05 10:29:32 UTC  

Answer these please

2018-03-05 10:36:14 UTC  


2018-03-05 10:37:56 UTC  

@Dank Queen you must answer these questions in order to get in the server

2018-03-05 10:38:18 UTC  


2018-03-05 10:38:39 UTC  

1. 18 years old
2. Ethnic Flemish, I live in Flanders (Belgium, but I heavily prefer my Flemish identity over my Belgian identity)
3. Germanic Pagan
4. Found an invite on Hiddenlol
5. Why I am here? To be connected with as many people as possible that carry more or less the same ideals
6. Prefered political ideologies: NatSoc, Traditionalism, Odalism
7. All three are about prioritising your own people and culture. We as people are connected to the ground we live on and where our ancestors lived on and we must defend ourselves and our ground at all costs.
8. Someone I met 4 years ago taught me about it.
9. Speeches by Hitler, information from that one person (his great grandfather was an SS soldier who died in Berlin 1945), trustworthy information from youtube videos, Mein Kampf.
10. Current skills: highly developed strategist/tactician, philosophical mind, capable of hyperfocusing
Skill in training: MMA

2018-03-05 10:40:02 UTC  

@Deleted User can you shoot those questions again. No message history and I wasn't watching

2018-03-05 10:40:45 UTC  


2018-03-05 10:40:46 UTC  

@Deleted User, answer these questions in <#417792419409690625>

1. What is your age, are you over 18?
2. What is your ancestral background and where do you currently reside?
3. What are your religious beliefs?
4. Where did you get the invite to this server?
5. Why are you here?
6. What is your preferred political ideology?
7. Define said ideology.
8. What got you into your current ideology?
9. What literature have you read to form your ideology?
10. Do you have any skills?

2018-03-05 10:40:57 UTC  

Aw grand. Thanks

2018-03-05 10:43:35 UTC  

1.I am 21 years of age
2.My ancestral background is 100% Bulgarian slavic and i currently reside in the UK
3.I am orthodox christian
4.I saw the invite from the Hiddenlol post
5.I am here to further educate myself and learn new things about politics and meet people with similar views to mine
6.My preferred political ideology is Monarchism with elements of national socialism and patriotism in general
7.The right to rule should be given by birthright only to people of noble heritage,educated people who has spent their whole life preparing for the time to rule a nation
8.The thing that got me into Monarchism was mostly the history of my own nation being that we always had a king and only recently did we move to a parliamentary republic following the fall of communism,before that obsly communism was a thing for 40 years
9.Mostly Historical documents with books on monarchs and books like "The patriarch"
10.Open mind,Fighting skills (boxing,BJJ,Kick boxing)

2018-03-05 10:45:04 UTC  


2018-03-05 10:45:04 UTC  

@Deleted User, answer these questions in <#417792419409690625>

1. What is your age, are you over 18?
2. What is your ancestral background and where do you currently reside?
3. What are your religious beliefs?
4. Where did you get the invite to this server?
5. Why are you here?
6. What is your preferred political ideology?
7. Define said ideology.
8. What got you into your current ideology?
9. What literature have you read to form your ideology?
10. Do you have any skills?

2018-03-05 10:59:29 UTC  

1. 29 years old.
2. Swedish (north germamic) I currently reside in Sweden.
3. I'm raised protestant but I'm not practicing religion. Tough I believe in a force stronger than mankind,often referred to as God.
4. Hiddenlol.
5. Discussions with like minded.
6. National Socialism.
7. One people, one nation, one leader. Your duty to your race is to make it thrive in the eternal struggle. Honor what your ancestors gave you and keep their flame alive until you pass it on to your children.
8. Adolf Hitler
9. Mein Kampf, Ride the tiger, Epic: The story of waffen SS, For my legionaires.

2018-03-05 11:10:53 UTC  

1. I'm 21
2. Irish, living in Ireland
3. Agnostic, but sort of taking a look at Christianity again
4. Hiddenlol
5. For banter, curiosity, to chat with people of a similar mindset, learning
6. Fond of nationalism/patriotism. Bit of a centrist, with a tendency to conservatism.
7. I am all for protecting one's country, people, culture and identity. It's very wrong and demoralising to strip a person of their heritage and make them feel unwelcome in their own home. We should be open minded, but not cowed into giving up anything our predecessors fought for
8. Talking with people. Keeping up with current events. I started off very liberal but eventually developed as I watched the world playing chess per se
9. Mostly read online, watched videos, discussed with family and friends
10. Bits of debating, public speaking, decent at critical analysis

2018-03-05 11:40:52 UTC  

1. What is your age, are you over 18?

2. What is your ancestral background and where do you currently reside?
Europe, Scandinavia
Danish with some polish and norwegian

3. What are your religious beliefs?
I haven't seen enough proof that there exists a god to believe but I don't mind other people having their religious views as long as it is non-violent and follows the law of the land it resides in

4. Where did you get the invite to this server?
I think one of the first rules there is don't talk about it. I'll give a hint though --> It was posted 15 hours ago on a website with too many porn adds surrounding it

5. Why are you here?
Because I thought I wanted to find out what this Discord is

2018-03-05 11:40:54 UTC  

6. What is your preferred political ideology?
I think it is some kind of Libertarian-National Conservatism with mixture of Social Conservatism.

7. Define said ideology.
That would take to long as it is a mixture but country is important and the people within the country is important. Money is less important family values. People should also have choice to do what they want and what they can become if they have the skills. If you are non-violent and are productive to society or want the country to prosper then I support that

8. What got you into your current ideology?
I used to be a communist because I liked the idea of a stateless society. At its peak i was the leader of a 5k group full of communists but I left it behind because I thought it turned into a unrealistic utopian idea where the weak would drag down the strong. Also communism have never worked

9. What literature have you read to form your ideology?
Snippets from everywhere but I am planning out a book reading spree which includes Mein Kampf, John Locke, Plato, Hobbes, Marx (You gotta know what you are against), The Bible (For the 100th time), the Quran (Know what you are against) and so on

10. Do you have any skills?
Probably, I just don't constantly brag about them which means I have problems with listing them but I guess I am a very quick learner and I like facts so research comes easy to me which has helped me in classes.

2018-03-05 11:45:45 UTC  

@Deleted User What would you say you know about fascism? Give me a brief summary/definition of what it is in your words

2018-03-05 11:47:18 UTC  

tbh I know very little. I tried asking fascists from different organisations but it is always defined very broadly. I have taken some tests and have found out my views could make me a crypto-fascist because it estimated I was 56% fascist or something the likes

2018-03-05 11:47:27 UTC  

I want to learn more

2018-03-05 11:47:51 UTC  

Well from what you do know, however limited it may be, can you just give me what you *think* it is?

2018-03-05 11:50:05 UTC  

It is like hierarchy of society split up into nationalities (sometimes race), the economy is semi-state controlled, welfare can happen, Nazism is not the same as Fascism, Fascism originates from an Italian socialist who thought of a third way of the normal political spectrum like the best from both places.

2018-03-05 11:50:05 UTC  

🆙 | **Wotsit leveled up!**

2018-03-05 11:50:31 UTC  

That is what I remember from the top of the head

2018-03-05 11:51:07 UTC  

I planned a questionnaire to send to a 200+ member group but forgot to. (I still have the questions)

2018-03-05 12:02:53 UTC  

Sorry for the late reply, was doing something.

2018-03-05 12:02:58 UTC  

How is Nazism not Fascism?

2018-03-05 12:04:01 UTC  

I have heard the hierarchy is different in the sense one is in nationality and the other is in race. I gladly accept it if I am wrong

2018-03-05 12:04:26 UTC  

National socialism is fascism

2018-03-05 12:04:31 UTC  

It is a branch of fascism

2018-03-05 12:04:35 UTC  


2018-03-05 12:05:01 UTC  

This is actually what I wanted. I wanted to learn about it

2018-03-05 12:05:12 UTC  

Fascism could best be explained as a tree, the roots being the Roman applications of fascism and the branches all different but similar being different forms of fascism

2018-03-05 12:05:50 UTC  

Britfash, etc

2018-03-05 12:05:53 UTC  

How many branches is there? like in big generals

2018-03-05 12:06:18 UTC  

Theoretical forms and historical forms both are branches

2018-03-05 12:06:24 UTC  

I am not asking specifically for regional differences like "Russian Facism" and African Facism"

2018-03-05 12:06:28 UTC  

There's no limitation to how many iterations it has

2018-03-05 12:06:56 UTC  

For example

2018-03-05 12:07:03 UTC  

British fascism was never applied

2018-03-05 12:07:11 UTC  

But it's still a branch of fascism