Message from @P14
Discord ID: 373192852668284929
Atomwaffen has the best propaganda.
This propaganda is a bit extreme @ram3n
Especially the skulls should be avoided, it looks rather scary.
Atomwaffen doesnt seek to convert people
It seeks to recruit people already ready for racewar
@Nothing Are you saying that we shouldn't produce propaganda, because those people are not worth having?
Would you agree that most people do not have the time, patience or will to redpill themselves?
Wait, would you also agree that it is the final goal of each ideology to convince the broad masses?
Are those people, who are convinced by social pressure/mindset sheeps or wolves?
Will we turn them into wolves afterwards?
Is it our goal though?
So you accept that most people will always be sheeps?
Is the part of the propaganda we produce that is aimed at normies, trying to convince them of lets say race realism? Or is it rather made, in order to propagate a mindset of tradition, piety, duty and race identity?
But it is not trying to tell them that we are right, they are wrong and therefore they are to come to our side, right?
But you agree that the posters are not trying to make them into white nationalists just like that?
You said, that we should only produce posters for people on our side, is that correct?
Germany produced flyers for England
Napoleon produced posters for Germany
It is extremely important
It would certainly fall under both
Prapaganda is part of warfare
Where do you think ISIS is getting their fighters from?
It is an essential part of the Art of War, to defeat your enemy without physically fighting him.
Sure, but Propaganda helps, doesnt it?
Normal people, living their lives, giving them a feeling of race identity.
Never has a movement succeded, without propagand for the outside masses.
We are doing great
Are you still arguing that we should only produce propaganda for ourselves?
Define "atune"
Getting in the news is one of the best things that can happen to us!
Attention at all cost!
You dont need your posters in the news.
Just the attention
Thats why we need propaganda, thanks for making my point
But it gets us attention
which is all we need