Message from @neetkthx
Discord ID: 373232722803425291
the money jew is one of those things that is going to be around for a long time
I think that it's important to live in both the real world, but also have the capability of going full varg at any time
if you turn your admittedly small, aryan nose up at the power of capital and go squat on land in a shipping container, you've taken yourself out of play, you're basically dead
"the varg pill"
I think that's good
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh i take varg with the worlds largest grain of salt
because every bill you pay, ever dollar that comes out of your wallet, eventually it ends up in a jew's pocket somewhere
you need three people to carry this grain of salt
so i do agree with trying to keep your money local
the details of what he says are questionable
but the overall premise is solid
move out to the country and form natural communities
i have a rule about dudes on youtube; they have something to sell
that are self reliant and not dependant upon the global economy
Varg sells his RPG books lol
and he shills autistic paganism
the youtube jew is one of my most insidious jews, i cant kick that habit
so i make rules about it to keep my head on right
isnt Varg a proponent of 150 person tribes?
that's because it's a useful service for disseminating information
and I've done it in general chat
and that's just for village size
the thing about that is, once you take it past a mild extrapolation, it gets a little silly
yeah it can
i dont think its really feasable if you want a complex nation
the question is: is a complex nation feasible in the long term?
so, the idea is that the human brain didnt really develop in such a way as to care in a complex manner for more than 150-200 people
can one have a complex modern economy without it being jewed?
so, you can, in theory, only really know about 200 people
that human limit might be the reason why no empire can last very long
yeah that's what I'm thinking
but once you take that to the power of just 2, so you know 200 people, and one of those people knows 199 people you dont
because we need to balance it out in a sort of game theory sense too
complex nations and economies are powerful
you're at small city size already, and most of those people are cared for by someone
so while you might be more sustainable in the long term, it doesn't matter if you can't fend off against potential beligerents
this is basically what happened in ww2
maybe humans just need to evolve some more