Message from @neetkthx
Discord ID: 373233730678161409
i dont think its really feasable if you want a complex nation
the question is: is a complex nation feasible in the long term?
so, the idea is that the human brain didnt really develop in such a way as to care in a complex manner for more than 150-200 people
can one have a complex modern economy without it being jewed?
so, you can, in theory, only really know about 200 people
that human limit might be the reason why no empire can last very long
yeah that's what I'm thinking
but once you take that to the power of just 2, so you know 200 people, and one of those people knows 199 people you dont
because we need to balance it out in a sort of game theory sense too
complex nations and economies are powerful
you're at small city size already, and most of those people are cared for by someone
so while you might be more sustainable in the long term, it doesn't matter if you can't fend off against potential beligerents
this is basically what happened in ww2
maybe humans just need to evolve some more
only a million more years
eugenic lebensborn program when?
the real question is, what constant evolutionary pressure is exerting itself on us now
welfare state
even if our brains will never grasp thousands of relationships, we should be able to deal with that limit in some other way
the way it should work is communal hierarchy
so you have your "villages"
and they all fit in a "district"
well, the idea is, even if you dont know that person, you can lean on one of the people in your dunbar group that does, and rely on their opinion
each village elder is accountable to the warden of the district
who is then accountable to the king, or whatever
you know them, so you should be able to form an opinion bridge based off of what you know of them
good point
yeah chunking people up into villages has the added benefit of stereotyping
if im a terrible judge of character, and you ask me if steve the mechanic is going to fuck you, and i say 'nah steves great'
which acts as a "shortcut" in forming opinions about people
be wary friend
that's essentially the function of that psychological feature
i think that for better or worse, this current techno-hell-hole we live in right now does do a lot to circumvent the worst bits of the issuess with dunbar's number
"the village over there are good people, we trade with them regularly. We kicked their asses last summer in foozball. And one of our girls just married one of their warriors"
yelp is like a proto-village leader that can grant value judgements for you, as an example