Message from @Belisarius
Discord ID: 363046624123027466
Havent done too much digging but it seems hard to track down good books. The book of veles is their holy book, so i am going to try and find a translation into english. But for now it seems the internet is the best source
You dont have to agree with him on every issue, but his arguments against christianiy are good ones.
Thats a long one, I will give it a watch after work
this goyim, i watched that video this morning, he's on the same intellectual level as Thunderf00t except Thunderf00t actually brings relevant facts to the table. the atheistic group masturbation is petty and pathetic.
> the whole video is cherrypicking 1 christian
ok, cool.
> "scientists from a long time ago were only christian because they had to be!"
lol, nigga wut?
> "christianity blocked progress and is responsible for the slow growth of science and innovation!"
he literally says that christianitys Modus operandi is "Fight a war against progress, lose that war against progress, claim credit for that progress". so much for getting something out of this video unless you have a confirmation bias.
> 8:10-9:05
yeah, ok bud, there was absolutely no innovation or technological development between 0 and 1500 AD. sure.
the guy then proceeds to go over the whole "the supremacist theory is flawed because the oppression a certain group recieves prevents it from being equal to another group" gambit, ignoring how one group would not be able to impose its oppression over another in the first place if it was not superior in some way.
> *even more atheistic group masturbation*
> "maybe theists should have tried listening to us rather than killing us and censoring us"
i hope this guy isn't serious.
> goes over again how literally no progress was made scientifically from 0-1500 AD
> "scientific progress only began because of atheist scientists"
uh huh.
> "it was only the muslims keeping old greek knowledge that inspired the change that led to the scientific revolution while christianity delayed it"
uh huh.
> the whole "the bible aproves of slavery" autism
> "slave owning is a christian value"
just like the violence in the bible the mentioning of slavery is time specific, and its not even slavery, its indentured servitude, for no longer than 7 years. the bible does not encourage slavery.
"the christians was oppressin us peoples of science! sheeeeeit!" every few minutes gets really tiring, really fast.
> "the 10 commandments are BTFO by the constitution!" (i will post interesting screenshot)
> "the freedom of speech, religion, press, and assembly are the opposite of christian values"
> "christianity has often enforced the opposite of our values as americans"
this guy is a vociferous dogmatic airhead who has no clue what hes talking about. 17 minutes in and the only "content" is him masturbating and crying about how mean and bad christians are and how they ruin everything.
> christians got lucky with the printing press that was invented right before the scientific revolution!
> "the invention of the printing press helped to disseminate scientific discoverys over a wide area" (paraphrasing)
> it was random chance that this happened
huh, just a coincidence i guess.
> explorers brought their found knowledge and ideas with them back to europe
> *deliberate word twisting and speculation*
> the knowledge helped contemporary greek scholars in the rise of renaiscance humanism
i see, he's misatributing the knowledge from "christians" onto future "atheists" like with the printing press.
> "it waz tha greeks tha savd uz from da ebil chriztians maaaaan! sheeeeeeit!"
> "WE WUZ ARTISTS N' SHEIT! tha chriztians had bad art n sheit!
> *dogmatic ramble about how awful christian art was*
> "the christians destroyed history because it was contrary to scripture"
> literally admits that rich christians were the only ones able to buy the art of the renaisance
ok, whatever you say shlomo. (still waiting for a real argument)
> christian scientists were actually atheist because scientists shifted away from christianity and to atheism. they were also persecuted by le ebil christians.
> all these great scientists were part of the aristocracy so they only said those things to keep the peasants in check
uh huh.
> the bible is worthless because it contains no practical knowledge
> even *more* masturbation over how evil christians are and how great atheists are
> "christians suppress science"
> "christianity is just as bad as islam"
ok. so i wasted 40 minutes watching this and probably the same amount preparing a response. this whole video was not an argument. just some atheist masturbating over and over, i could have been on pornhub, i'm pretty sure their videos would have a better plot and been more enjoyable to watch. no real solutions, just complaints about how evil christians are and how they are not even 1% responsible for scientific development, every advancement under them was just a coincidence. you can find way better arguments against christianity based on facts instead of feelings and rhetoric, this was lazy, sad, and pathetic.
> capitalism BTFO?
> christians are supposed to force their beliefs on others
You're a christian right?
non denominational, yes. why?
Anyway, like I said I dont agree with all the stuff he says, but I think it is undeniable that christianity has done an immense harm to scientific progress in the years 0-1500 AD, would you agree?
I certainly would agree, but it doesn't take away from the fact that christianity has also served as the structural latice for most of western civilization.
no, he is misatributing and creating links that don't exist. almost completely ignoring non-religious history in europe. he did hit the nail on the head with the printing press and how it allowed the spread of knowledge.
Which is what most of these youtube athiests conveniently gloss over.
he also blatantly lied constantly about "muh absolutely no scientific progress for 1500 years" meme
The underlying metaphysics for most of the weestern world is implicitly derived from a christian worldview.
He obviously didn't mean that there was NO scientific progress.
was he overexagerating that just like everything else he said?
But the foundations of most of our legal system for example come from Roman and Greek civilizations.
That said, christianity has done great harm in the past, especially to scientific pursuits.
I said metaphysics, not laws.
I am not saying that christianity is all bad, I'm just saying there are better alternatives
I was talking to @Belisarius
I'm not sure there are.
i hope it does not appear as though i am arguing for how great christianity is. i'm only talking about this video and how wrong this idiot is.
this video is inflammatory cancer
So is 90% of youtube.
I dont want to talk about the guy or the video, just about the notion that christianity, especially in contact with governement, can cause tremendous harm.
> can
anything can cause tremendous harm
You are pulling a piece of shit out of a pile of shit and saying 'look how shitty this one piece of shit is".
is it the idea, or the people
What do you mean?
is it impossible for a society run by christians to be succesful and progressive?