Message from @ram3n
Discord ID: 360547353654198283
On the subject of homeschooling
but yeah alcohol brewing might be fun
We can get away with not having a (((school))) in our community if we all do it
And yeah I like the idea of a brewery. Folkish work and will generate income.
or we can simply build a private school
otherwise rural schools are still much more redpilled than urban ones
As long as we don't have to worry about "teacher, daddy is a nazi and so are all my neighbors"
*knock knock* child services
Also, anyone seen this? Super cheap, easy money, will help other crops
oh wow
I would definitely put a few of these up
forgot about those
This design used artificial combs for the bees
No more smoking them to get the honey
Now more killing bees by breaking the honeycombs
The honey flows right out of a fucking tap!
Just watch the video
i love it
We can build schools and have our own teachers
maybe the parents could teach a basis for the child to work off of
I'm going for management and teaching in uni
a teaching degree
I have a teaching degree
I'd rather do real work
But I guess that's an option
For their sakes
Not using state books tho
Because I dont think homeschooling is good.
honestly the main reason (((they))) can so easily brainwash children is because the parents fail to get to their own children first and instil proper virtues and morals
Better than sending them to holocaust and slavery school though
i feel like modern parents have just lost their ability to instill virtues and morals
and instead just push equality onto them