Message from @Sputnik

Discord ID: 803421872334176276

2021-01-25 15:13:44 UTC  

It's starting

2021-01-25 15:14:26 UTC  

The purge doesn't stop at twitter, we need to wakeup people! Hitler took the guns, stalin took the guns, they're coming for the guns

2021-01-25 15:19:08 UTC  

Camel Hairis is the next fascist leader, Biden is a puppet that's gonna die in a few months and she'll take office.

2021-01-25 15:19:56 UTC  

Know what I think is more scary though is they're talking about putting these covid shock collars on us. Mr. Jones was talking about it, I know 110% what those are for they're not to control us.

2021-01-25 15:20:58 UTC  

Well they are meant to control us of course the mainstream sheeples who will happily wear dog collars but the right wing, and political opposition and opponents of the democratic party theyll use the collars to initiate shock therapy

2021-01-25 15:21:10 UTC  

And deprogeam/ reprogram us

2021-01-25 15:23:49 UTC  

They can't get away with putting us in camps but if they can affix some kind of device to us then they'll control us

2021-01-25 16:08:49 UTC  

The whole plan is to have biden start ww3 and then have camela come in and be the hero that exterminates all the domestic terrorists from the US

2021-01-25 16:13:40 UTC  

I pray that everyone have a blessed Monday and that everyone is able to remain positive in the face of adversity. It will be a long road to taking our country and lives back from this oppression, but I have faith that God will guide us on the right path which is his path. He knows the truth, and soon it will be brought to the light. If you aren't already, please follow Lin Wood on Telegram. He has put out some detailed interviews that shine light onto some of those truths.

2021-01-25 17:19:50 UTC  

When they draft people to war do not conform

2021-01-25 17:20:27 UTC  

They are using our lives to fund a war that is unnecessary and simply to further the NWO agenda

2021-01-25 17:20:44 UTC  

Give me liberty or give me death

2021-01-26 00:28:12 UTC  

I swear if I see a person with two masks on I'll probably lose my 💩 laughing that is

2021-01-26 00:31:41 UTC  

those losers who wear masks and gloves in their own car by themselves

2021-01-26 01:48:43 UTC  

@Freshley LOL same, where I live is so leftist though im sure ill see it with my own eyes soon

2021-01-26 06:50:18 UTC  


2021-01-26 06:51:11 UTC  

I bet he works on tattoine, he drew the short straw and has to guard the huts cantina

2021-01-26 12:54:23 UTC  
2021-01-26 13:56:21 UTC  

This way Tw@tter can absolve itself of the responsibility, and wash their hands of the matter. By claiming that the users are censoring, they can claim that they (tw@tter) don't censor, and thereby try to divert or downright cancel any pending lawsuits against it for the extreme censorship against conservatives.

2021-01-26 15:16:14 UTC

I cannot believe how rabid the left is with their hatred of President Trump (I still regard him as the real President.)

2021-01-26 15:53:10 UTC  

Absolutely pathetic the action of that NY mob.

2021-01-26 16:29:00 UTC  

I bet the Democrats in Government will remain silent. Their silence is admission of condoning the attack. We need to remember that no matter how much we are attacked in the streets, over the airwaves, and in the media that we win this war by not partaking in the violence, and by showing the truth that we are peaceful. That will continue to rally the entire world freedom movement behind us. They are trying to bait us into violence so that they can justify us being terrorists and insurrectionists. I know that people around the world are looking at infowars and others to provide them with the truth about us. We are peaceful and we are fighting to preserve the freedoms that many of our friends loved ones and others have sacrificed their lives for to protect. I personally have lost friends and family members who have fought for peace and freedom. This is not about being on the right or wrong side of history but of being on the right side of humanity. The one that doesn't want this violence on either side of the spectrum. The one that believes that the creativity of the human race will lead our world into peace, prosperity, and the rise of free will of the population of the earth. We will not conform to be slaves of this technocratic new world order. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful morning and is staying positive because we will prevail, no matter the circumstances as long as we have God beside us, whichever you believe in.