Message from @Sputnik

Discord ID: 806229066117546039

2021-02-02 14:17:26 UTC

2021-02-02 15:05:04 UTC  
2021-02-02 15:07:24 UTC  

@Freshley you believe in Q?

2021-02-02 15:48:24 UTC  

<:tinfoilJones:800033371925381180> I don't whole heartedly believe in Q, however I do pay attention to what they're saying and I also try and research behind it whether the things they post are factual.

2021-02-02 15:52:00 UTC  

Now with the military coups happening in other clinton-obama backed communist countries, as well as certain key people resigning/dying unexpectedly, I've been starting to pay attention to them a bit more

2021-02-02 15:52:57 UTC

2021-02-02 16:17:17 UTC  
2021-02-02 16:41:32 UTC  

Anyone here in central florida?

2021-02-02 17:22:59 UTC  

The people who after Biden being inaugurated are still into Q are completely insane

2021-02-02 17:23:04 UTC  


2021-02-02 18:14:12 UTC  

@Sputnik idk if I'd label them as completely insane because they are being fed information that is plausible, aka the reason why I'm interested in researching it. I also wasn't following Q posts before biden was inaugurated so I can't speculate about that. All I know is that these certain people that I specified earlier are feeding into the Q narrative. I'm still trying to figure out whether it's just targeted misinformation or not, however that being said there are a lot of good things that Q posts are bringing light to, aka child trafficking and also media coverups of The Lincoln project and others. I am not advocating for Q but I believe that they are talking about some (not all) important issues.

2021-02-02 18:22:18 UTC  

be aware that Navalny is not an opposition leader, rather a fraudster, read the article. Again MSM LIES

2021-02-02 18:26:28 UTC  

not even alex jones is into Q

2021-02-02 20:25:20 UTC  

Look I only follow Q on telegram and have only seen what they've posted last week and this week. I don't know about the whole 4chan crap. I'm only speaking from what's posted on the telegram account, not 4chan.

2021-02-02 20:26:37 UTC  

With that said I'm not going down the Q rabbithole, just researching what they're posting. I'm not advocating for Q in any way.

2021-02-02 21:43:24 UTC  

is there still a blizzard of executive orders being signed?

2021-02-02 22:26:59 UTC  

I wish that Project Veritas would deep dive on more subjects than just big tech...

2021-02-02 22:30:37 UTC  

What about Jeff Bezos? Bill Gates? Tim Cook? The Clinton Foundation? We already know that Jack Dorsey and Zuckerberg have been scheming behind the scenes

2021-02-02 22:35:32 UTC  

Tampa Florida

2021-02-02 22:50:32 UTC  

the whole amazon thing is kinda sus, why would the ceo of a company step down when they are making the most money they have ever been

2021-02-02 22:54:15 UTC  

He possibly knows something is about to happen, or has been happening

2021-02-02 23:09:57 UTC  

Jeff Bezos and other CEOs are probably at their positions removed probably because of fraud anti-trust laws ie abuse of market position in web services etc and massive corruption through the marketplace, we shall know the outcome sooner or later.

2021-02-03 02:25:19 UTC

2021-02-03 03:06:39 UTC  

Hmmmm 🤔 suspicious that Myanmar used smartmatic for their election

2021-02-03 11:58:32 UTC  

Get this, YouTube is pushing people's daily propaganda in recommendations... I posted a set of instructions in censorship, **We are the resistance we need to show these demonic lizards we're not going to stand for having Chinese propaganda shoved down our throats!!**

2021-02-03 11:58:39 UTC  


2021-02-03 12:00:10 UTC  

Fucking demonic communist pieces of shit.. They're trying to normalize this propaganda and bring china into the free world