Message from @unity

Discord ID: 807680240385785857

2021-02-06 14:01:57 UTC  
2021-02-06 15:26:28 UTC  

Moab , our work is done here. Praise His holy name!

2021-02-06 16:57:26 UTC  

Hey, man man who lives up near Cheyenne wyoming said all the interstate up there is stud down, under military control... Anyone else hear that...

2021-02-06 17:06:13 UTC  

@RanaeAilene. Found this.

2021-02-06 17:06:18 UTC

2021-02-06 17:06:57 UTC  

Dont think its what you were looking for though.

2021-02-06 17:11:38 UTC  

Nope... Roads were dry and clear, he had to go down through colorado in the back roads to get to his place...

2021-02-06 17:30:02 UTC  

Tell him then to stay safe. No idea whats happening. If its a military operation, doubt it will make the news.

2021-02-06 17:35:00 UTC  

Yeah... I'm just worried how im going to get there when I need to... lol

2021-02-06 21:32:20 UTC  

The Late Show - RTE - Ireland TV - longest running Talk show in history. This mockery has been labeled a “ritual” by an expert in the occult. Thing is they think we won’t notice! Well I suppose the vast majority of will just gape at it. Huh! Not the “lovelies” here. Take note as you’ll see this type of mockery again and you’ll be able to recognize it. Another example would The London Olympic Games they ritualized the virus and the great reset.

2021-02-06 22:32:27 UTC  

That would make sense, but I don't consider it to be that scary, I just believe that they'll move to digital currency as there are less issues with it in general, such as bitcoin.

2021-02-07 03:35:07 UTC  

Reconsider the implications of the us $ loosing its reserve currency status.

2021-02-07 03:35:34 UTC  

Before the dollar, the Pound was the world reserve currency.

2021-02-07 04:24:53 UTC  
2021-02-07 04:43:18 UTC  

Yet again got Yelled at for not wearing a mask this time in a fucking dollar store

2021-02-07 04:45:12 UTC  

I didnt even get one toe in the door and the crazed libtard girl screamed at me "YOU NEED A MASK" i just stared at her and said "cmon i come in here like 3 times a week and have a medical excuse to not wear one do i really need to pull that out now?" and she just looked at me with such hatred and anger that she couldnt kick me out of the store and said with her teeth gritted "JUST MAKE SURE YOU STAY SOCIALLY DISTANCED 6 FEET AWAY FROM OTHER SHOPPERS" I said "thank you Dr. Fauci" LOL

2021-02-07 04:45:34 UTC  

seriously I always go in this particular store and no one says shit to me

2021-02-07 04:46:38 UTC  

all of a sudden everyone thinks that masks are a federal law everywhere. I see so many people wearing 2 now. they dont even read the actual news..... They just read half of a headline on CNN and think they know the whole story

2021-02-07 04:51:32 UTC  

Honestly I got a great idea.. we should make a list of markets and stores across the US that people have successfully gone into without a mask and dont get bothered so we can all shop at patriot stores