Message from @X Y
Discord ID: 360195103199068171
Currently writing about couch grass (or quitch), which I'm currently in the progress of making flour out of
thats awesome, if you have actual skills then we would love to hear more about them
I don't have any particular skills other than craftiness and dedication/ambition 😅 My skills lie with languages.
youre multilingual?
Well, I'm swedish!
Right, that only makes me bilingual by default.
Well, I'm fluent (as in I "stay afloat, can survive on it") in swedish, english, german and french.
And some latin and spanish on the side 👀
*I can also read russian decently, but only the alphabet*
By the way, what's with the colours of the flag? Why those colours and that design?
what flag?
The .. is it "Northwestern Front"? flag, I just can't agree with the colours of it lol
I wouldn't mind a Nordic Cross design tbh.
oh thats an old flag and doesnt apply to our group, there wont really be a flag until we put boots on the ground. No point in having a flag before theres even a physical community
Likewise, as a swede 😎
but youre free to come up with your own ideas
hi goym
Is this basically Cascadia 2.0?
After the last WN movement?
was there a cascadia 1.0?
I adore this flag, it's my own suggestion for (of course I love my own product) the flag of "Scandinavia", if we ever got around to making our own united country instead of Sweden, Iceland and so on.
i know there were past groups that flopped
There have been tones unfortunately
I believe a flag should either be beautiful and colourful, or very simple and crude
The scandinavian flag there is really an eyeburner and reminds me of the fast food joint "Hotdog On A Stick"
I agree, it's just a mix of all the flags lol
Best flag ever = Holy Roman Empire
Post, I can't recall 🤔
(I actually don't mind the NWF flag, I'll be honest.)
As in physical location
there is no concrete location but we are currently directed at the Pacific North West, however if you really prefer some other region youre still welcome