Message from @BigRedBat

Discord ID: 797592858571702272

2021-01-09 22:20:03 UTC  


2021-01-09 22:21:20 UTC  

Is Donald Trump alive? I watched a video of hip when his head separated from his body shortly, which means the video is deep fake maybe. I havent seen Trump in the last a few day...

Why is Nany Pelosi so agressively trying to impeach and arrest Trump? Because arrested people don't have access to media, so it will be easier to hide wat happened.

Im not US citizen by the way

2021-01-09 22:21:54 UTC  


2021-01-09 22:22:49 UTC  

Same here, I'm from South Africa. They are getting desperate though. Desperate enough to completely de platform President Trump so aggressively it makes me wonder what the Deep State is terrified of.

2021-01-09 22:23:25 UTC  

They deplatformed him, because Trump and his billionaire guild collected enough real evidence and fact for vote scam

2021-01-09 22:23:40 UTC  

in fact, the collected evidence was enough to prove vote scam

2021-01-09 22:24:01 UTC  

so, deplatforming him, silencing him was the only way to stop the evidence from coming out

2021-01-09 22:24:28 UTC  

videos, testimonies, court documents, proofs for hacked devices, witnesses... everything disappeared

2021-01-09 22:25:44 UTC  


2021-01-09 22:25:51 UTC  

Emergency Alert System?

2021-01-09 22:25:53 UTC  


2021-01-09 22:26:53 UTC  

im highly disappointed... videos, testimonies, court documents, proofs for hacked devices, witnesses... everything disappeared

Trump didnt tweet anything from his original twitter account, his website doesnt show new information.. He is assasinated.

Nany Pelosi so agressively trying to impeach and arrest Trump, because arrested people don't have access to media, so it will be easier to hide wat happened.

these bad globalists simply won the game.. we lost.

2021-01-09 22:27:14 UTC  

The EAS? That is one option. They could try to block it. But they would be in direct violation of Federal law not so? Then again considering all the other Federal laws broken when just considering the election alone, not outside the realm of possibility.

2021-01-09 22:28:02 UTC  

And BigRedBat, they (Deep State) only win if people give up fighting.

2021-01-09 22:29:16 UTC  

I believed that he will win by proving vote scam, but after all that censorship and corruption, all videos, testimonies, court documents, proofs for hacked devices, witnesses... everything disappeared.

globalists will continue to deindustrialize US, so China will gain world domination. An the end, they will implement dystopian sci-fi, technocratic nightmare.

2021-01-09 22:29:46 UTC  

most people believe fact checker and media. We, the critically thinking, are very small percentage

2021-01-09 22:36:34 UTC  

did they find kompromats on her laptop?

2021-01-09 22:37:51 UTC  

Too early to say, and that is probably why they are acting like trapped Rats the way they are acting in deplatforming anyone and everyone connected to Trump, and the Patriots in the smallest way.

2021-01-09 22:39:59 UTC  

Quick question for the ones that know. What are the penalties for interfering with the EAS, let alone interrupting it, in order to stop President Trump from communicating with the People?

2021-01-09 22:40:22 UTC  

Isnt the US army on the side of Deep State?

2021-01-09 22:45:19 UTC  

What are the chances for Trump? Is everything lost? Im not US citizen, i dont understand US lw, so i need explanation. 🙂 thanks

2021-01-09 22:48:38 UTC  

in my opinion, trump needs god himself to come down and intervene, almost everyone has abandoned him

2021-01-09 22:50:23 UTC  

almost everyone abadoned him, because there is too much damaging information about most US politics. They are pressured. If they dont do what deep state says, compromising information will come out, so they will go to prison, lose jobs, or get death penalty....

2021-01-09 22:51:34 UTC  

thats true, they are a bunch of lily-livered cowards and want to sell our thier country so they can have a job for a few more months. its so despicable.

2021-01-09 22:52:44 UTC  

if globalists officialy get in power, what is the next thing we have to expect?

2021-01-09 22:56:18 UTC  

They were always in power. Till they lost to President Trump with the 2016 election. And they are willing to destroy the world and everyone in it in order to ensure that they not only regain that power, but making sure that they dont lose it again.

2021-01-09 22:56:47 UTC  

id expect mass forces immunizations, global tracking chips everything they said they would do, they are rolling out right now, but after that, i believe that an armed revolution will take place, and will closely follow the timeline of the american revolution, a boston massacre happening, a 2nd lexington and concord and so on and so forth. the american people are awakening to what is happening within the world, and many others outside of the US are too. the globalists were doomed from the start, its only a matter of time till they fall

2021-01-09 22:58:50 UTC

2021-01-09 22:59:07 UTC  

Might need some verification, considering the source

2021-01-09 23:00:20 UTC  

Not sure if the Health Ranger, or Infowars ran an article regarding it.

2021-01-09 23:00:39 UTC  

If Donald Trump is killed, this will explain why Nancy Pelosi is so agressive in her desire to impeach and arrest Trump. If Trump is arrested, there wont be need for Trump to be shown on media for any reason, so they can talk he is arrested, this is why people dont see him. They can talk this for years, while he is actually dead. Do you agree with me?

2021-01-09 23:01:58 UTC  

The way I understand it, if the impeachment suceeds, it will prevent Trump from running from office again in 2024, and will guarantee that in the event the info regarding the Deep State is released, Trump cannot run for a second term from 2020.