Message from @Orchid

Discord ID: 367125694465048577

2017-10-10 01:24:16 UTC  

I'm a Texas man myself. This state is changing, and rapidly. For myself and future family, I feel that is best that I leave this sinking ship behind. It's sad, because my family has a deep history here in Texas. My family descend's from the original Texas colonies, with deep roots in the Texas Rangers. Hell, there's even a town named after my family. Alas', I must bid this state farewell.

2017-10-10 01:25:38 UTC  

If Texas goes blue, we're in very real danger of losing the right to bear arms and to free speech, and say goodbye to immigration control..

2017-10-10 01:27:28 UTC  

It will go blue, I promise. Those of european stock are already the minority. Texas is now a Mexican colony. Mexican's, at least most, vote for bigger government and are very left leaning.

2017-10-10 01:32:13 UTC  

Where the hell does our people make a stand if this country goes down that route.. The only hope at that point is to relocate to white areas and raise families in peace. This birthrate disparity is killing us.

2017-10-10 01:37:43 UTC  

They say by 2030 TX will be blue for certain, the tide of demographic change there is past the point of no return.

2017-10-10 01:38:32 UTC  

Even if the border faucet was shut off, there are already so many there, and their birthrates are so much higher, it's just innevitable.

2017-10-10 01:39:06 UTC  

Kinda sad, both my kids were born in TX.

2017-10-10 01:40:09 UTC  

It's a long shot but if we start building strong white communities with a sense of collective identity we have a shot at the reservation or secession arguement native americans enjoy. It's that or we fade out in the cities or run away to eastern europe for a last stand

2017-10-10 01:40:11 UTC  

I'm torn between going to live in a place like Texas to keep it red or moving to secure areas like idaho, iowa, ect

2017-10-10 01:40:51 UTC  

I think TX is lost, it's smarter to go somewhere else at this point.

2017-10-10 01:41:46 UTC  

I agree with Rin. Coming from a native Texan.

2017-10-10 01:42:35 UTC  

Yeah, I lived there for several years, one daughter born in Dallas, the other in San Antonio. It's easy to see the demographic changes when you are in the cities.

2017-10-10 01:43:14 UTC  

And the thing is, yeah there's lots of whites out in the country, but the % of the whole population is miniscule.

2017-10-10 01:43:38 UTC  

And as was said before, they breed relatively slowly and in much smaller numbers.

2017-10-10 01:44:39 UTC  

So. Where is a redpilled state with ethnohomogengy in the us?

2017-10-10 01:45:11 UTC  

The northeast, and the northwest are the most concentrated.

2017-10-10 01:45:25 UTC  

You can find maps coded by region online.

2017-10-10 01:45:32 UTC  

Redpilled being key

2017-10-10 01:45:56 UTC

2017-10-10 01:45:59 UTC  

Speaking of Texas

2017-10-10 01:46:26 UTC  

oh boy here we go again

2017-10-10 01:46:38 UTC  

If we were in the Hillary timeline I'm pretty sure Congress would be moving to ban AR's by now

2017-10-10 01:46:47 UTC  

Most people will disagree with me, but I think if we are speaking in terms of "redpilled" populations, the south isn't bad. I'm in AL and it's mostly white where I live and virtually 90% redpilled patriots.

2017-10-10 01:47:49 UTC  

The problem with the south is that it's destiny has pretty much been written already.

2017-10-10 01:48:07 UTC  

And eventualy it will suffer the same fate as Texas.

2017-10-10 01:58:14 UTC  

well, the thing about the south is, despite the number of blacks the big cities have, look at where most of your chimp outs end up happening

2017-10-10 01:58:47 UTC  

you'd expect new orleans and atlanta to be 100% chimp out 24/7/365

2017-10-10 01:58:58 UTC  

If I'm not mistaken the black birthrate in the south isn't actually that high

2017-10-10 01:59:00 UTC  

but the southern blacks know better

2017-10-10 01:59:07 UTC  

Am I correct?

2017-10-10 01:59:30 UTC  

Compared the Mexicans for example

2017-10-10 01:59:33 UTC  


2017-10-10 01:59:35 UTC  

oh no, trust me, demarcus and deshauwn are breeding just as much as everyone in detroit

2017-10-10 01:59:44 UTC  

eh, compared to browns, maybe not

2017-10-10 02:00:03 UTC  

i thought we were comparing subspecies american indians

2017-10-10 02:00:04 UTC  

I don't have any numbers, but I can tell you from experience, I haven't met a single black woman over 12 without kids here.

2017-10-10 02:00:21 UTC  


2017-10-10 02:00:21 UTC  

yeah its early and often here

2017-10-10 02:01:06 UTC  

Teenage pregnancy is a huge problem in general in the south, but it's particularly bad with the blacks.

2017-10-10 02:02:07 UTC  

And the vast majority of them are on the state's tit, which is not great for the economy to say the least.

2017-10-10 02:02:58 UTC  

Sad to say but it's a numbers game.. As terrible as it sounds I think that if poverty keeps the white birthrate up I would rather our people live in squalor