Message from @OfficerSkroll
Discord ID: 376365310770675722
@Hisham New leader, new rules
Let's ask this convicted woman beater some questions.
The Russian president has also become a bit of an Iraqi Internet celebrity, with some circulating rumors that Putin may be able to trace his roots back to the Middle East.
While in no way accurate, the story suggests that Putin’s father was an Iraqi grocer, who because of specializing in figs – “tin” in Arabic – he became known as "Abu Tin." Moving to the Soviet Union after World War II, he married "a blonde Russian girl" and named their child Abdulamir.
From there, Abdulamir Abu Tin was russified to Vladimir Putin.
I just thought of the ultimate optics
cowboy nationalism
@everyone THEY GOT TERRY
guy who made templeos
hes wanted for skipping court for having a fight with his dad
There are roughly 494,000,000 Whites in this world of 7.6 Billion.
Europe has a population of 743.1 million. USA is 323.1 million.
I’ve been driving around and I see no Antifa.
I’m surprised.
But that’s because I’m in the Suburbs right now
Pussy ass bitches gonna stay home scared cause they know they're outgunned lol
Actually anticom in Kansas City was given orders to stand down due to fears of our guys being killed.
We we’re given them because we don’t want our guys dying. Unlike in a lot of places, Antifa cells here have military grade rifles.
We got military grade rifles too though, amd better training
Do you want our guys being arrested?
And tarnishing our reputation?
I think not
It's not illegal to open carry most places
Before the next round of leaks gets grabbled
Unicorn Riot is an underground pedophile ring
Lol with a name like Unicorn Riot, I woulsnt be surorised
p sure that was a thernovith false flag
great, anticom has fallen to the vaginal jew
>allowing a woman in leadership
almost as bad as the faggot
get ready for a whole lotta drama and the use of her sexuality to gain even more control
@yeah dude But shes ideologically based my dude.
@yeah dude no badd tard you use wrong chat
@Manimalia women will use their sexuality for the sake of power. at the end of the day they are still emotional creatures who will always act on emotion - not logic