Message from @Bryce
Discord ID: 440357701445353482
new zealand lol
they are not bad people or anything
very good people just wish i was around people that looked like me and shared the same heritage
the Filipinos really love me and keep trying to set me up with their daughters lol
You got a city called Christchurch
That where you live?
i live in the most degenerate place that has the worst immigration
its the biggest city
I raise your Auckland to my Chicago. Nothing beats Chicago in degeneracy except LA or New York.
Its hell here
i thought chicago was just one giant shithole of black crime
Depends on the neighborhood. I live in a good suburb about an hour way but that doesn't help much, in terms of degeneracy.
O yea the south side is fucked
I live in lake county
is there a single street in the south side that you could walk in lmao jesus
its almost like...
Almost liek there is a
nah that would be racist
just ignore
Thinking makes my brain hurt.
nah dude ignore statistics just smoke weed and watch rick and morty dude
weed dude
We got 151 homicides so far this year
We breaking records
chicago is one of the most segrefated city
the reason is obvious
Sleight do you have any particular fraternity or religious order that does your masses?
does your church only do Latin Mass?