Message from @Joe the boomer
Discord ID: 449760101696536577
Its not really banned up north
You just get the forty minute ferry to Scotland or claim a range of mental illnesses
yeah that's true
honestly ireland isn't really catholic anymore
church attendance isn't what it used to be iirc
there wont be sanity till people turn back to God
The pedophilia killed the Church
which is why we have to be vigilant against sin
especially in the priesthood
Totally lost all credibility in Irish peoples eyes, frankly I can't blame them, the church was never even purged of these people
pedophiles should be taken out back
This vote was at least in part a rebellion against the Church, but so was fag marriage which was far less contentious an issue, so frankly its hard to believe the exit polls saying its passed by a higher margin than fag marriage
Even the rosiest estimates had pro abortion up only 4%
time will tell
No point in losing our heads obviously but even if its anywhere near what the exit polls are saying, well I dunno I guess I'll have to throw myself into party work even more
Exit polls predicted Hillary would win by a landslide
I think Ireland was long gone once they elected a foreign queer leftist as president the rot had gone too far. The 60s radicals in the Church have done irreparable damage and the pedophillia scandal has been caused by the church accepting closet homos into their ranks. Hoping the exit polls were skewed due to the controversial nature of the vote.
this is a sad day
im on like page 4
@Georges_Cross we didn't elect the "foreign queer leftist"
He was appointed Taoiseach after his predecessor stood down
Even his own party base voted against him
It was just the sitting members of Parliament voted for him
@NormanLord and you guys voted for your sitting members of parliment
Uk didn't technically vote for Theresea May
Honestly I want to see my country burn after this
oh you irish, always playin the moral high ground
@NormanLord Don't worry mate I feel the same about the UK
Anglicans have some great renditions of the psalms, shame they're so cucked nowadays