Message from @Broseph

Discord ID: 403820484812210176

2018-01-19 07:56:02 UTC  

There are 800k abortions a year

2018-01-19 07:56:04 UTC  

Half are blacks

2018-01-19 07:56:21 UTC  

If you’re gonna deny common sense then I’m not gonna bother giving you a college level debate

2018-01-19 07:56:22 UTC  

If we cut all abortion the black % of population would go up over time as a direct result

2018-01-19 07:56:33 UTC  

I am in graduate school

2018-01-19 07:56:39 UTC  

You are not justifying anything

2018-01-19 07:56:45 UTC  

You know the facts but contort them to fit your narrative and label me falsely

2018-01-19 07:56:48 UTC  


2018-01-19 07:56:56 UTC  

You are objectively wrong

2018-01-19 07:57:01 UTC  

And can't justify your assumption

2018-01-19 07:57:10 UTC  

I’ve stated simple logical steps to my conclusion yet you deny basic human behavior

2018-01-19 07:57:14 UTC  


2018-01-19 07:57:16 UTC  


2018-01-19 07:57:19 UTC  

I can’t help you with that

2018-01-19 07:57:27 UTC  

No “sources” will change your bias

2018-01-19 07:57:33 UTC  

Why do you think that blacks would stop being impregnated while whites wouldn't

2018-01-19 07:57:37 UTC  

If abortion was illegal

2018-01-19 07:57:52 UTC  

You're comparing society over a span of 6 decades

2018-01-19 07:58:02 UTC  

If you think this is a valid comparison that's just embarassing g

2018-01-19 07:58:22 UTC  

You have a very brainlet way of viewing “if a radical social change happened that took away a guarantee that hundreds of thousands rely on, then attitude and output WON’T change”

2018-01-19 07:58:26 UTC  

That is retarded

2018-01-19 07:58:48 UTC  

You think blacks would stop fucking without condoms? If abortions were illegal?

2018-01-19 07:58:51 UTC  

I explained the averages

2018-01-19 07:58:53 UTC  

That is retarded

2018-01-19 07:58:54 UTC  

You won’t listen

2018-01-19 07:59:04 UTC  

The averages are irrelevant

2018-01-19 07:59:18 UTC  

Because they're not getting abortions more than once every 9 months that's so stupid to think

2018-01-19 07:59:45 UTC  

Also whites rely on abortion too

2018-01-19 07:59:53 UTC  

Which you have yet to deal with

2018-01-19 07:59:56 UTC  

Whites get less abortions so are more likely to keep getting pregnant and keep them. Blacks can’t afford babies so they would stop getting pregnant if they didn’t have abortion JUST like 60+ years ago and all historical precedent

2018-01-19 08:00:26 UTC  

We are comparing he people who would already be getting abortions and you're talking about white people broadly lmfao

2018-01-19 08:00:30 UTC  

Waste of my time goodbye

2018-01-19 08:00:39 UTC  

Blacks would have more kids than now, not more than whites

2018-01-19 08:01:16 UTC  

Agreed this is a waste of time. Problem when pseudo intellectuals can quote statistics but fail to make logical connections

2018-01-19 08:01:31 UTC  

You have to be able to see how hypotheticals would play out in the real world

2018-01-19 08:01:46 UTC  

Problem when you have literally 85 IQ takes and can't follow your own argument to its logical conclusion

2018-01-19 08:02:22 UTC  

So you resort to straw men and ad hom

2018-01-19 08:02:28 UTC  

Lmao the alt right is a joke

2018-01-19 08:02:57 UTC  

“But I can quote demographics stats, just not see how a change in social policy would play out in the long term”

2018-01-19 08:02:59 UTC  


2018-01-19 08:08:02 UTC  

Concluding fact that you and any other brainlet cannot change: abortion has led to the destabilization of the family. This plays out different for different races. For whites and higher class, this has led to lower sex and marriage rates. For minorities and lower class, this has created a dependency on the state. They have more sex now because they can either get an abortion or welfare if they have a kid. The sex rates are clearly different when they’re getting comparable numbers of abortions yet black women account for 1/6 as many as white women