Message from @FLanon
Discord ID: 416027269593563137
I want to be rewarded proportional to my work
So did Nazi Germany
They were still a complete shithole beforehand
Would you like to live there?
If you don't like authority you probably won't want to live there
All of the voting options were part of the Communist Party
I did
>non communists make things bad
>capitalist societies are the best societies on earth at the moment
Anyway it's midnight where I am
I have to go
Banned the commie
It failed in africa because of the africans not because of capitalism
Lmao, capitalism is simply an extension of human nature
Pretty much
Good people can make capitalism work, unfixable people are unfixable no matter what the ideology
The marxists took over in Zimbabwe, did the africans stop being stupid and reform?
No, they fell apart and starved.
What a surprise
As a matter of fact, the african mercenaries who fought Rhodesia before the UN came in and dicked everything were completely incompetent
The Rhodesian mercenaries would recover the weapons the africans dropped after a battle, and the sights would always be zoomed in
They asked POWs why this was, you want to know why?
They didn't know what a sight was and thought the little number on the zoom increased the power of the gun.
People like that will not function well in any sort of society, capitalist, communist, anarchist, fascist.
Jews aren't real people.
:((( @Jace
glass of
Atheists suck and have small peepee