Message from @Jackal
Discord ID: 471218710947037194
How do I get labels?
I'm gonna try to get a role bot. I can give you roles now though.
What do you need?
I'd consider myself third positionist
Is that ok?
We don't have one for that yet. would you consider yourself a Libertarian?
Greetings my man
That message tho
This is a sign
yall know ancom is already a thing right
Yes, I was a co-owner
last server got axed
you must not have been the one who maintained it then
I came into it after Cville happened
Hello all
alright gang
"gang" are you a fan of Ben Shapiro you cuckservative scum
im sorry what
Is joke
Cuz he says gang a lot
does he, ive watched some of his stuff before and i haven't really noticed it
He does it's kind of a meme at this point
Let's not clutter up <#471133395607617537>
Now I can see this one too
United states
gave u fascist and north american