Message from @Big Ounce
Discord ID: 473609321456861184
ayy @𒋉FɇȺɍ Nø Ɇvɨł𒄎 you play guitar?
I play bass guitar lol
les start uh band
Move this to <#471140446735826969>
du du du
oh fuck
ok ideology big boi?
nig nog
A Real person
its nig nog
yes i know bitch
im asking him what his ideology is
succ urself
Cancer is not a valid ideology.
neither is slav
or macedonian
We have fun here
no we dont
You shut your whore mouth!
let the shadposting begin
as if this is my first time doing this rodeo
i was in the previous one
youre a whore mouth @Esdeath Partas Azazel
I‘m a classy moth
hey @Hyde Pod ideology and location?
@Anglo-Indian Imperialist Greetings
whos Rommel
He left <:pepothonk:473325330384289812>
Says he did on my screen. he's not in the server