Message from @Yosopola
Discord ID: 531493393017339915
I’m a fucking rape addict
That's good uwu
If I don’t get to rape something I’ll throw a fuckin’ tantrum
Cause Rape is God
And I worship God fanatically
I got here from another server
I didn't know you're into this kinda stuff
In CC you seemed tame
Tbh almost normie
I'm not some esoteric rapist or whatever else, I'm here mostly ironically
Every1 here is a rapist
Rape is a way of life
>not being a rapist
this is so based
If someone doesn't get me these
You're all faggots
***I only speak English help***
Rozjebie ci cyce kutasem moim pizdo @Carpathid
Ok epic
Tvoj kutas jest mocz maly na to
Policja teraz cie już kurwa nie znajdzie cipo @Carpathid
N-nie proszim
@Carpathid c-can you please speak English...?
But I don't want to translate it...
And I don't know any Slavic Languages
A Slav that doesn’t understand a single Slavic tounge
Poor thing