Message from @aura
Discord ID: 531498385686134786
Wdym kurwa
100% pure plumber genes
I don't think I had my question answered
Carpathid is a Ukrop
That's alright
I'm a slav mix
I'm gonna rape the Ukranian out of you bby
I don't have Ukrainian
Mission accomplished
But arua Master Carpathid wants me
he's a cuck
So you'll have to fight him
This is like the Soviet Union but Without the Soviets
Rape Union
Your tight sissy hole gonna fit our 2 fat dicks in
it's above average 😳
@Carpathid maybe just your hung fat dick ;)
I'll unironically rape you
You'll see how it feels to betray a Czech
I'll make the rape of Berlin look like an eskimo kiss
My legs are still open for you
They never closed
keep em open
Yes daddy
But what are my rights here and do I have to sleep with anyone who asks?
No Only me and Carp are allowed to rape you
I wanna ask Carp