Message from @aura
Discord ID: 527968220372795412
Kebab nigger?
@Ben Sharpberg how do you know all of that?
Já jsem to v životě nejedl, doopravdy jsem ti nikdy neochutnal 😄 Jsem true NS
I was in that server
Buy kebabs
Accelerate collapse
@Ben Sharpberg woah
And trolled him that I'm Syrian refugee in Germany
Jednou jsem si koupil pizzu od Egypťana
Don't remember you @Ben Sharpberg
@Einar Birkemannja se chodim strihat k egyptanovi
I wasn't sticking there for long and I had different name
Abych aceleroval kolaps
Get on my level
Fake ns
"His comments on the homosexual aspects of the Wandervogel movement and the role homoeroticism and male bonding played in the creation of European culture and institutions were fiercely combated. Blüher supported these with a theory of the Männerbund."
Wtf ono je to real
Männerbund není gay, wtf
však tenhle článek byl napsán v roce 2006
to není meme
Einare proc jses takovej moralfag
Fake ns af
ti sto blya
I kinda feel bad for the warriors that died
they tried their best and hopefully went to valhal
nešikanujte peeka
Did the giant just get beheaded but continued to fight?
peek je negr
peek je avatar einara