Message from @linbuz
Discord ID: 648231562168500273
we already do
Make Moonman mod
remove the white box
and crop the box
I do not like this server!
This server is bad!
or ask somoene els
Cooking channel
could do foodstuff in <#542426385415667742>
Cooking channel
Yeah it was my channel
all you did was post low quality beans
We had a food channel but some dude deleted it
i want a food channel.. i want some tips on cooking steak
You are retarded
no u
hmmm anyone here over 30 and is a native English speaker?
smash that upvote button if you want me to remove the cringe reddit arrow emojis
<:downvote:587371463028506624> fucking idiot
smash that upvote button to ban @Sernik
Upvote if you want to remove polish (((“people”)))